Saturday, July 26, 2008


Call me a youtube-r.May sound a lil negative...but im not. Should really thank Mr-??? for creating youtube,such a genius. U can get all sorts of things in it,from cartoon to the X-Rated video...ehem...not good for kids though.

But if one does not misuse it,Youtube is definitely one of the coolest and helpful website in the Internet world...

I'd been making so much benefit from it...from make up lessons,Dance Tutorial,MTV,cartoon (pss...happy tree friends!!),home-made comedy.... and last but not least the on9 favourite channel of all..

Just watching different people from different parts of the world,singing their own composed melodies,doing medleys out of other singer's songs,acoustic versions of the latest singles (best eg. Umbrella) ...and get famous...make their debut album...WOW...

Some are really good and deserves the attention from the music world...Marie Digby,BoycAvenue,AJ Rapael and Clara Belle.It's such an enjoyment to watch them record,sing and play at the same time...

But of course deep down inside I wish I was somewhat like them. Still,I dont know whether I wanna be in there...Many did asked me why not post some videos..(even dad),but the fact is>>>I'm just too L-A-Z-Y...


So much for the YOUTUBE story...I just felt like writing this cz I am on Youtube right now...
=) Call me a Youtube-r

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