Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thought of the day #2- Not Ashame to Tell

A lil word
A short, simple sentence...
Makes a huge impact on one's life...

Today as I went for a gathering with 2 buddies
we were talking about courses in Uni and such
and one told me that I'm suitable to be upfront on stage
rather than doing backstage work...

and though it may not be intentionally to encourage me
it somehow refreshed my mind...
all this while what I'd been lying to everyone and myself
that I'm just into the backstage thingy and not vice versa

just because I dont want others to think
I'm crazy for fame and fortune
Yes...i'm saying this outloud
that studying music is my passion
but it's being on stage is what I really dream of ...but
Mama says dont say something too early before you could even achieve it...

I'm not saying 100% guarantee that I will be some famous super star
or an outstanding artist out there in the industry...
but for now I'll try my best...
To get to my dreams...

What on earth are you thinking about Jocelyn?
what if all this doesnt happen?
Do you know how dangerous and dirty this business is?
What if...what if...?????????????

SO many doubts and questions
as if we are afraid of being influence by the world...
If we are the light of the world...then y are we hiding from the dark?
the dark will never consume brightness and
the light will get brighter only in darkness

I might not be mentally,physically,emotionally and spiritually fit for all this now
but each day I'm growing and maturing
learning from mistakes and lessons in life
I believe that God will prepare me somehow to make a difference

So stop all those skepticism and doubts...
if I do not make it...
Fine..I'm just wasting all the talents God has given me...
and the years of my life on this earth

You and I know
there's still a long way to be there...
but I know patience and perseverance will bring me there someday
and yea...some confidence will surely help

It's crazy...
when majority is against me...
yet the support of the minority overshadows the rest...
I guess...
You just cant grasp the thinking of the human mind...
Man just likes to hear what they wanna hear...
and not what others wanna tell them...


Well...its a bold move for me to admit this
cz it's like a taboo for many to even dream of entering the entertainment world
it sounds so worldly...
and I'm actually trying to get over that too...

But I believe there's a will...there's a way
it might be silly to you
but it means a whole lot to me
it's about the big $$ ,authority and fame
it's the lost souls that I can reach to...

yeah trying to sound religious?'s what I'm called to do...


if you have any comments about this...
just comment...
Dont have to THAT polite to me...

But still...have some mercy in your critics...

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