Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Baker's Metaphor

It's been a roller coaster ride...
I've been through many rides...
each roller coaster ride get bigger and bigger...
higher and higher....

The momentum keeps increasing...
and so is the pounding of my heartbeat.
(ok,enough with the metaphor)

I'm not writing this post because of something major happened...
I mean,this certain event did lead me to think towards this issue....

Eventhough a baker may not taste the cake he baked...
but as long that cake is appreciated and favoured...
it brings happiness to the customer's life...
Why not?

He may need to damage a few more ovens,
burn some cakes,
break some glasses whatsoever...
All this in the effort for baking better tasting cakes someday.

The baker could have focus on that bad taste of the cake,
but instead, he choose to believe in what he believe:
To be the next BIG BAKER in town.
with the help of his tauke of course....

Dont worry,
this lil rant is just to get things off my chest.
So I could feel much sane...and less insane.

Ok, bad breath is out...
Gotta keep those childish attitude back into the bin...
time to get back to work!
See how lovely my smile is...*ching!*

Where are my baking tools??


bad breath said...
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Angel said...

amoi roti satu!!!

JoCeLyn SteMiLyn said...

kaiwen: ish...