I'm back!
After 2 weeks unable to online...
stuck in the super-duper cold classroom...
I'm finally able to place my fingers on the keyboard again...
Oh why I'm talking like a desperado...
I can live without the net!!
who can't??
Well...not really... =)
Anyway...how's everybody's CNY doing?
I had a typical one...every year almost the same yet meaningful one:
Re-union dinner at B.M >> chit chat >> visit Dad's auntie
>> movies >> re-union at Penang Island >> shopping!! >>
back home>> visitation (or shall I say Ang Pao hunt) with friendzzz
>> chit chat >> more Ang Pao hunt!....etc
stuck in the super-duper cold classroom...
I'm finally able to place my fingers on the keyboard again...
Oh why I'm talking like a desperado...
I can live without the net!!
who can't??
Well...not really... =)
Anyway...how's everybody's CNY doing?
I had a typical one...every year almost the same yet meaningful one:
Re-union dinner at B.M >> chit chat >> visit Dad's auntie
>> movies >> re-union at Penang Island >> shopping!! >>
back home>> visitation (or shall I say Ang Pao hunt) with friendzzz
>> chit chat >> more Ang Pao hunt!....etc
And...as usual, allow me to cerita while you watch these pics...
the night before re-union dinner...
We had our own 4 everS-one reunion at XZ's house
a bbq frenzy!
Really had fun just catching up and fellowship with
We had our own 4 everS-one reunion at XZ's house
a bbq frenzy!
Really had fun just catching up and fellowship with
all of them...
Re-union dinner at Grandma's house...
Dad as the eldest there gave some kinda speech...bla bla bla
everyone was hungry and staring at the food on the table..!!
well...it's dad anyway...I got used to it...
Oh yeah...the food was MARVELOUS...
(as usual lar...hoiyo)
Dad as the eldest there gave some kinda speech...bla bla bla
everyone was hungry and staring at the food on the table..!!
well...it's dad anyway...I got used to it...
Oh yeah...the food was MARVELOUS...
(as usual lar...hoiyo)
Then it was CNY day!! yay...ang pao for the singles!
as if we are models...here's my pose...
plz rate and comment...hahaha
My bro's "ah pek" pose...
I think i'll give a 3/10 for him...=)
All the leng lui...sss
My cute cousins posing again...I guess it runs in the family...
Today my friends and I went ang pao hunting...
Then the unexpected happened:
Convincing ourselves that every cloud has it's silver lining...
the gals took some time to snip snap while the guys works things out...
keh keh keh!
But of course the guys had their chance...
Too bad some of them couldn't make it to join us...
Too bad some of them couldn't make it to join us...
Chinese New Year...one of my favourite time of the year.
I love shopping last minute (for the 4th year in a row)
I love having new hair cuts and new styles
I love the food,though typical yet always so marvoleto (my way of saying "marvelous!")
I love meeting friends and family members,
just gathering together
do crazy stuff
watch movies while commenting anything and everything about it...
and most of all ...FELLOWSHIP...
Nevermind the reduction of Ang Pao money due to recession...
I'm not really into those things anymore...
It's a blessing to be able to meet of all them...
And if I have the time and money,
I'll definitely go further to visit more friends and relatives
Too bad...I have to be realistic for once...
oh well...hope i'll have the opportunity to do mroe visitations!!
Happy Chinses New Year everyone!
Gong Xi Fa Cai...
Chinese New Year...one of my favourite time of the year.
I love shopping last minute (for the 4th year in a row)
I love having new hair cuts and new styles
I love the food,though typical yet always so marvoleto (my way of saying "marvelous!")
I love meeting friends and family members,
just gathering together
do crazy stuff
watch movies while commenting anything and everything about it...
and most of all ...FELLOWSHIP...
Nevermind the reduction of Ang Pao money due to recession...
I'm not really into those things anymore...
It's a blessing to be able to meet of all them...
And if I have the time and money,
I'll definitely go further to visit more friends and relatives
Too bad...I have to be realistic for once...
oh well...hope i'll have the opportunity to do mroe visitations!!
Happy Chinses New Year everyone!
Gong Xi Fa Cai...