Call me a youtube-r.May sound a lil negative...but im not. Should really thank Mr-??? for creating youtube,such a genius. U can get all sorts of things in it,from cartoon to the X-Rated video...ehem...not good for kids though.
But if one does not misuse it,Youtube is definitely one of the coolest and helpful website in the Internet world...
I'd been making so much benefit from it...from make up lessons,Dance Tutorial,MTV,cartoon (pss...happy tree friends!!),home-made comedy.... and last but not least the on9 favourite channel of all..
Just watching different people from different parts of the world,singing their own composed melodies,doing medleys out of other singer's songs,acoustic versions of the latest singles (best eg. Umbrella) ...and get famous...make their debut album...WOW...
Some are really good and deserves the attention from the music world...Marie Digby,BoycAvenue,AJ Rapael and Clara Belle.It's such an enjoyment to watch them record,sing and play at the same time...
But of course deep down inside I wish I was somewhat like them. Still,I dont know whether I wanna be in there...Many did asked me why not post some videos..(even dad),but the fact is>>>I'm just too L-A-Z-Y...
So much for the YOUTUBE story...I just felt like writing this cz I am on Youtube right now...
=) Call me a Youtube-r
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
I wanna be...I wanna be
I wanna be...
A singer playing her guitar,
singing all day long
singing all day long
I wanna be...
A girl playing her piano
creating melodies that touches souls
I wanna be...
A person is a road sign
pointing the only way to eternal life.
I wanna be...
An ordinary melody composer,
Sitting in the hall writing songs unheard.
I wanna be
An inspiration to others
That they'll see the difference in me.
Oh Lord,
I just wanna be someone who sings for you
And may what I do glorifies

I dont wanna be ordinary
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Kluang Adventure...MYPG
So ...
I attended the Malaysia Youth Prayer Gathering aka MYPG
in Kluang last Saturday...
Well,the 12 hour bus ride again,
As well as the butt ache too..=)
But i'm used to the traveling hours,
yet if I tell u that I enjoy bus rides...
I must be drunk by then...haha!
OKOK..back to the topic.
Left Perlis by 8pm and got there by 8am (phuuu!!)
Was greeted by Joanna and Yi Sing,
and once we got there all we saw was youth all over the hall...praying.
Love that sight...
Then we had a ceremony and I was asked to represent Perlis (only two from Perlis lar...)
As usual, had praise and worship,then a wonderful msg from Ps. Kennenth Chin.
And later we had a series of prayer and sharing.
The whole event went on for 12 hours.
8am till 8pm.
Of course we did not just pray the whole time. But mostly that's what we did...
Never felt so in AWE before...
I remember most was when we prayed for repentence,
Dont know why the tears just streamed down from my eyes...
Felt that God healed my heart as for so long I was living in guilt
(for letting my friend back slide and not able to do anything)
And also the time we prayed for other nations.
The country that I felt God deeply placed in my heart was Japan
and out of no where, Nigeria too..
though I hardly know anything about Nigeria,but
This two country just pop out to my mind...
Met so many amazing friends there.
Some youths I heard can see visions...
and lead youth groups at very young age.
SO much to tell
but u know lar..
If i continue it might take me pages to complete all.
HAHAHA typical me..
The next MYPG will be in K.K Sabah
November 2008..
If got $$ I'll surely fly there...
By AirAsia of course.
It's really vital for youths to pray
for one day we will all rise to lead others,
And without prayer,
there's nothing we can do.
I deeply believe that everything starts with prayer and not by our own effort.
So guys....PRAY!
Cant wait to see revival hit M.sia oneday!
p/s: I must try the railway coffee in Kluang someday!!! and the roti bakar,beef noodles....
Friday, July 18, 2008
Again...Journey to the South
I'm on a journey to the most south part of Malaysia...
THis time, not to the notorious and dangerous city of Johor Bahru...
But to somewhere I too have never been...Kluang...
Will be attending a one-day prayer event there...
With all the christian youths around Msia to pray for our country...
Organised by NECF and AYA.
Was kinda reluctant to go at 1st...
especially when Henna and Serene decided not to go and did not inform me...
Was kinda shocked though...
Decided to cancel the bus ticket already...
Dad was like:"if u have the strength and desire, then go..."
Wow...something like what he told me before I went for I-youth...
I felt that there's something special this time..
Maybe God has another plan installed for me????
I believe nothing is coincidence but it's the will of God...
So again...
Heading to the south ...
To experience his awesome love...=)
Many of my friends thought I was getting too far...
Saturday-youth meeting
Sunday-Church meeting and youth outing
They thought that i'm getting too "IN" into this Christianity thingy...
I told them "It's worth the hard work..."
God blessed me with the opportunity to share the gospel to 4 gals today...
and follow-up a new believer...
It's not a waste of effort and time...and I'm loving it!
May all that I do glorify His name...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Ok...Here it goes...
I wonder whather it's me or the maths questions...
I'm getting PISSED OFF by maths now...
Gosh...why did i chose STPM in the 1st place?
I cant solve a single darn question and it's really frustrating,...
My head is so pain and I just woke up from nap...
I cant just run away and go back to sleep???
I acted as if I knew all of them...
like I understand them...
People thought that "wow now jocelyn is really cathching up and being clever..."
the fact is...WRONG...i'm still that dumb as ever...
Maths is just not my thing...
*Phew...deep breath*
I really wanna be good in maths...
not just that but i wanna do good in grade 8 piano..
When teacher told me that I may not make it ...(because I lost touch with classical music quite some time...)
My heart was like crashed into pieces and each time I practised...
I cant stop my self from thinkning of tht sentence she told me...
And it just grab the whole confidence out of me...
WHy cant I just not think of all these?
I know it can be a motivation but i'm guess i'm taking it too far already...
How i wish I was born with SUPREME talents and SMART brains...
Dont really mind me after reading this...
I'm just trying to release tension and all that's inside of me...
Oh God...I need something cold now.
I guess I'll take a bath and ask maths help from Serene...
I wonder whather it's me or the maths questions...
I'm getting PISSED OFF by maths now...
Gosh...why did i chose STPM in the 1st place?
I cant solve a single darn question and it's really frustrating,...
My head is so pain and I just woke up from nap...
I cant just run away and go back to sleep???
I acted as if I knew all of them...
like I understand them...
People thought that "wow now jocelyn is really cathching up and being clever..."
the fact is...WRONG...i'm still that dumb as ever...
Maths is just not my thing...
*Phew...deep breath*
I really wanna be good in maths...
not just that but i wanna do good in grade 8 piano..
When teacher told me that I may not make it ...(because I lost touch with classical music quite some time...)
My heart was like crashed into pieces and each time I practised...
I cant stop my self from thinkning of tht sentence she told me...
And it just grab the whole confidence out of me...
WHy cant I just not think of all these?
I know it can be a motivation but i'm guess i'm taking it too far already...
How i wish I was born with SUPREME talents and SMART brains...
Dont really mind me after reading this...
I'm just trying to release tension and all that's inside of me...
Oh God...I need something cold now.
I guess I'll take a bath and ask maths help from Serene...
Friday, July 11, 2008
~Simplicity of Life~
Let me be alone...
Ppl tend to see me only as the jovial and funny Jocelyn...
But seldom one would see me from another view...
To know me better...the other me...
Does depth exist in relationships?...
I wonder
With me is always just books and melodies...
Still I love the simplicity of life...
Dont bother of fancy shopping complex,
Leave behind the high class entertainments...
I still that think...
Simplicity is beauty
I love cycling around the quite roads,
have tea with friends,
Go to the paddy fields once a while,
To feel the cool breeze...
As the sunsets...
It's the best time to take that camera,
and SNAP!!
You just cant deny the existence of a wonderful creator,
and the beauty of his creations...
Sometimes it gets annoying when that mobile of yours keeps ringing.
What I'll do?
Throw it aside
Let the cactus listen to the beautiful melodies instead...
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