Finally I'm able to upload these photos here...took me quite some time to do it...
Well, I joined the national elocution competition 2008 at Johor Bahru 2 weeks ago...
it's the 23rd to 25th if not mistaken...=)
Organized by the Anti-Corruption's really a great experience participating this competition.
Even a greater honour to be the Perlis state representative...
I mean..that was more than I could ask for...
Since 2004, this is the 1st time I represented my state in a competition...
and it's Elocution...
not gymnastics or singing...totally out of what I did for the past 17 years...
Before I let the photos do the talking...
Just to mention that we stayed in one of the most prestigious hotel in JB...
and it's really cool that we got the chance to dine with the Pengarah of BPR's and Menteri Besar Johor...
and the coolest thing was...each contestant gets RM 100...
But i spent 75 % on souvenirs...
Enjoy the pics!
Finally I'm able to upload these photos here...took me quite some time to do it...
Well, I joined the national elocution competition 2008 at Johor Bahru 2 weeks ago...
it's the 23rd to 25th if not mistaken...=)
Organized by the Anti-Corruption's really a great experience participating this competition.
Even a greater honour to be the Perlis state representative...
I mean..that was more than I could ask for...
Since 2004, this is the 1st time I represented my state in a competition...
and it's Elocution...
not gymnastics or singing...totally out of what I did for the past 17 years...
Before I let the photos do the talking...
Just to mention that we stayed in one of the most prestigious hotel in JB...
and it's really cool that we got the chance to dine with the Pengarah of BPR's and Menteri Besar Johor...
and the coolest thing was...each contestant gets RM 100...
But i spent 75 % on souvenirs...
Enjoy the pics!
The Zon hotel...the view was taken inside the hotel by the way...
It's been a long time since I'm able to see this kinda structure in a hotel.
Dinner organized by BPR Johor...
That's a lot of food...
Did we managed to finish it...?
You bet we did...
which was the night before the competition.
And we got the privilege to test the stage...
credits to : TV Pendidikan Crew
I know it's a taboo but...
who cares...!
They even asked us to lift it up!
I dont think they have insurance for this piala...
more than 200 ppl were there...
but I love's better than speaking to a person...
cz you can see their every emotion when you present...
Before going to the battle field...
Trying to release the tension inside...
Frankly I was kinda excited that I was the 5th person to present
cz that was what I prayed for...
the bell was kinda annoying though...
instead of the gentle "Ding" sound, they used the "Det Det"
sound...which was really shocking!
Pn. Azilawati and I...
she's the most fashionable and elegant teacher,
not just amongh those people in the hall...
but in Perlis as well...
She even asked me to do smokey eyes for the dinner before that...
Then we had lunch...
the si chuan dish they said...
Luckily everything was peaceful when we were eating...
no earth quakes huh...
Outside the Zon hotel, there are many clubs and exclusive KTV
for the rich and famous...
haha..just joking...
Took some pics outside...with Mr. Dexter, Elaine and Mas
Before attending the prize giving ceremony...
I look kinda ...plum...
Still gorgeous in a way...wakaka!
With Fiza, Gavin and...I forgotten the guy in the middle...
Ridzuan is it?or it is ....
Meet my lovely cousin sister...(same age)
Yi Huai...
of expensive restaurants...
HEHE...he's cute
Yeu's Cafe...
Black Pepper steak..not bad though...
Kinda huge for a skinny boney girl like me...
but my appetite is not like what it seems yo...
It's like you soak ur legs into a bucket of herbal soup(?)
and just let it thrill ur legs...haha
Neway..saw this beautiful flower behind me...
still as sarcastic as before..
but still the same old trainer...
I mean young...
Not sure what car is that...
but it's a sport car.
I think...
haha...I called it the batman car...
teng teng teng teng...
Ah...guess what is this?
Guava! soaked in vinegar..(forgotten the exact term for it..) taste good...
as long it's guava right??
Of course I met up with Jessalynn, Dylan, Uncle Loh and auntie Nelly
my other auntie and CHC JB friends as well...
It was really great to see all of them again...
got some presents too...
thanks alot guys =)
Though Jb is a notorious city
but the people I met made it such a nice place to be
At least for now there are no tragic memories...yet...
Really thank God for this wonderful opportunity to take part in the competition...
able to speak to so many people was really a great thing for me...
Puan Manjit did a great job for writing a powerful speech...
though I did not win...
at least got pocket money right????
Hope I can get this kinda chance in the future...
hopefully someday I'll get the chance to use this kinda opportunity to influence others,
and to impact their lives...
and say NO to corruption...
Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen!!!
hey hey!!!johor was a great experience wasnt it ;)
through the pics,i can see u spent quite a lot of time posing too eyy,hahaha!!
oh...? you sure know how a blogger spends their time..yeah it's a lot of work posting pics...huuu..
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